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Applying VSAT technologies is an optimal solution for building data transmission systems for long-distance and hard-to-reach regions. GT provides its customers with data transmission services on the basis of the own multiservice network. It includes the central earth station of satellite communication (HUB VSAT).

We use the equipment of a Canadian company “Advantech Wireless Broadband Culture” to organize the service. . The satellite communication system of “Advantech EMS SatNet” company presents a two-way high-speed broadband solution which is distinguished by operational simplicity, reliability and economic efficacy.

VSAT data transmission networks allow to provide practically all modern communication services:

  • access to the Internet;
  • telephony, local networks integration (building VPN-networks);
  • audio and video data transmission;
  • redundancy service of existing communication channels;
  • data collection, monitoring and remote management of industrial objects, etc.

Advantages of VSAT technologies application:

  • independence from the geographical location of a connection point;

  • prompt deployment and scalability of data transmission satellite network;
  • high speed of data reception and transmission;
  • optimal consideration of unevenness of data transmission between the central network station and remote terminals;
  • easy integrability into the existing landline telecommunication infrastructure;
  • high level of network information security;
  • possibility to increase total network capacity and reallocate it dynamically among separate hosts and directions;
  • only one Operator responsible for the whole working cycle of satellite corporate network building and operation;
  • possibility to minimize investments and operating costs.